三選一排毒淨肌護理 30分鐘:
- 銅鑼灣 - 韓式草本汗蒸
- 尖沙咀 13樓 - 韓式排毒人蔘蒸療
- 銅鑼灣/尖沙咀 13樓 蝸牛至尊修護24K純金人蔘身體磨砂擦操
銅鑼灣店限定 - 韓式草本汗蒸
- 以韓國三重人蔘(白蔘,紅蔘,黑蔘),透過蒸薰令身體打開皮膚管道並吸收藥效
- 有效去除體內老廢物,排出體內毒素,去除濕氣
尖沙咀 13樓限定 - 韓式排毒人蔘蒸療30分鐘:
- TONYBLACK全新人蔘排毒養生護理 ,以韓國三重人蔘(白蔘,紅蔘,黑蔘),透過蒸薰令身體打開皮膚管道並吸收藥效
- 有效去除體內老廢物,排出體內毒素,去除濕氣
- 改善女性血氣循環,改善面部氣息,更容光煥發
- 採用砭石磁療,能舒緩身體疲勞,緊張情緒,緩解平日積聚的壓力
- 配合遠紅外線,促進血液循環,加速新陳代謝,消除浮腫
蝸牛至尊修護24K純金人蔘身體磨砂擦操 (45分鐘)
- 以蘊含來自智異山黑蝸牛黏液過濾物,集中保濕,令皮膚更水嫩
- 含三重人蔘水成分(紅蔘,黑蔘,白蔘) ,為肌膚注入營養滋潤
- 純度 99.9% 24K 黃金,提升肌膚光澤感,令肌膚紋理更順滑
- 質地滋潤綿密,去除身體的老廢角質,同時滋潤緊緻每一處的肌膚,令肌膚感覺煥然一新
PAY ATTENTION The SFHK APP is undergoing a security upgrade. Starting from 6 August 2024, the SFHK APP pickup notification function will replace SMS messages. Customers can enable push notifications on your mobile devices to avoid missing delivery reminders, and can also track the real-time status of your shipments within the SFHK APP. |
*Ship-out time may be delayed due to New Year & Public Holiday. Thank you for your cooperation. *
TONYMOLY HK arrangement:
Normal day: 2 Business days.
Sale Product / Period: 2-7 Business days
SF Express delivery:
Standard Delivery Time: 2-5 Business Day
*After shipping out, Customers can check the real-time status of their shipments from "Tracking" function on SFHK's official website and SFHK APP individually.
No SMS messages will be sent out from the SF Express or TONYMOLY.
For further enquiries, please ask the SF Service Centre. (2730 0273, 08:00-20:00)
Additional fee may cost if pick-up overtime. (Available for SF stores& SF lockers)
1. Pick up at SF Business Stations or SF Stores
The customer chooses to pick up the shipment at SF Business Station or SF Store, and fails to complete the pickup within the first 2 days* after the shipment arrives at the selected address and put on shelf at the selected address, will be charged for SF Retention Service Fee for every 1 day*. The cost will be accumulated every day.
*The number of day(s) is/ are calculated from Monday to Friday. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are excluded.
2. Pick up at SF Lockers
The customer chooses the SF Locker and fails to complete the pickup within the first 24 hours after the courier successfully dispatched to the locker. An accumulative fee of HK$10 will be charged for every 24-hour as a unit thereafter.
*Pay Attention. If customer fails to pick up on time by providing the wrong phone number, the extend pick-up fee will be borne by the customer.***